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Field Botanists of Ontario (FBO) is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1983 for those interested in botany and conservation in Ontario.


  1. To provide opportunities for people to meet and pursue their interests in field botany.

  2. To provide education and training in field botany to students, interested individuals, and the naturalist community.

  3. To increase knowledge and documentation of the flora of Ontario.

The Field Botanists of Ontario is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment that fosters learning and the exchange of ideas, and that is free of discrimination and harassment, while fostering a culture of inclusivity and equity in all we do. Please read more in our Statement of Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity and Code of Conduct.


The current FBO Executive is listed below. From time to time positions become open, which are noted in the Newsletter or announced at the AGM. Although we don't have any openings at the present time, if you are interested in joining the board (or assisting FBO in any other way) we would love to hear from you.

Please visit our Membership page to learn how to become a member. General inquiries about the website or other matters related to our organization can be directed to our Webmaster.

President: Patrick Deacon (

Past President: Gwyneth Govers (

Vice President: Mary Anne Young (

Treasurer: Daniel Van Osch (

Secretary and Social Media: Jessica Consiglio (

Field Trips: Sarah Mainguy (

Membership: Erica Dixon (

Awards Coordinator: Jennifer Doubt (

Webmaster: Paul Sokoloff (

Student Engagement: Alice Dabrowski (

Directors: Will Van Hemessen (, Troy McMullin (

Newsletter: Will Van Hemessen (


What We Do

In addition to our botanical field trips across Ontario, the Field Botanists of Ontario publishes a quarterly newsletter and hosts an Annual General Meeting.


Field Trips

FBO Field Trips take place at unique locations across Ontario, focusing on diverse vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens, and more!

The Ontario Plant PRess

The Ontario Plant Press is the FBO’s quarterly newsletter, including field trip reports, news from the FBO, and articles of botanical interest.

Annual General Meeting

The FBO’s AGM includes a weekend of fun activities, including field trips, dinner, a public talk, and the presentation of our Student, Photo, and Goldie Awards.