FBO Code of Conduct and Statement of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity

Statement of Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity

The Field Botanists of Ontario (FBO) is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment that fosters learning and the exchange of ideas, and that is free of discrimination and harassment. The FBO also aims to foster a culture of inclusivity and equity in all of its activities and operations including (but not limited to) field trips, workshops, meetings, communications, administration, and awards. The FBO invites and encourages the participation of members regardless of age, ancestry, disability, ethnicity, family status, gender, gender expression, marital status, nationality, record of offences, religion, or sexual orientation. The FBO Executive will consider and promote inclusivity and equity in planning and delivering all business and communications, making an effort to recognize and address barriers and to create a welcoming environment. The Statement of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and the Code of Conduct will be reviewed and updated over time to respond to newly-exposed gaps and emerging needs.

Code of Conduct

This code of conduct applies to all FBO members, administrators, and non-member participants.

1. Expectations The FBO Executive, members, and non-member participants are expected to:

  • Treat everyone in a respectful manner,

  • Adhere to federal, provincial, and local laws during field trips and other events, and

  • Help create a safe, supportive environment that is conducive to learning.

2. Intolerable Behaviours Harassment or discrimination in any form will not be tolerated. This includes actions which demean, belittle, cause personal humiliation, or any act of intimidation or threat, or any conduct that is offensive to others, and that reasonably would be known to cause offence or harm. This includes harassment or discrimination on the basis of age, ancestry, disability, ethnicity, family status, gender, gender expression, marital status, nationality, record of offences, religion, or sexual orientation. Actions that may be acceptable to one person may not be acceptable to another. If someone involved in an interaction considers a comment or action to be hostile or offensive, the behaviour must change.

3. Reporting If an individual experiences or witnesses unacceptable behaviour, they should inform any member of the FBO Executive in person or by email as soon as the individual (or witness) feels comfortable doing so.

4. Enforcement All incidents will be treated seriously. The FBO Executive is responsible for upholding this code of conduct and, following investigation, may take any actions deemed necessary to address breaches. This may include revoking an individual’s FBO annual membership, barring participation in future FBO events, or removing an individual from an administrative role.


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